Tuesday 23 March 2010


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Contents page also includes pictures of additional artists, headings for each section of the magazine, colour similar to the ones of the front page and a picture of my artist featured on the front cover.

Main article stereotypically features a key image of my artist Mr. Pink

Main article heading is printed across both pages of the double page spread.

The composition of my magazine is conventional of music magazines as the front page shows the main image positioned in the middle of the front page in a mid-shot. Additional images are located along the right hand side .The price is below the masthead and the barcode is located in the bottom right hand corner. The website is bordered at the top of the front page and the ‘free poster’ offer is situated at the bottom of the page below the key title with a picture of artist .The contents page features the page numbers before the page topics and the editorial is positioned in the top right hand corner .

How does your media product represent particular social groups? I aim to target a niche soul /jazz audience and ethnic minorities .
By using an Asian model I have shown a modern day representation of an Asian artist who appeals to niche and mainstream audiences.
Using an Asian model in fashionable clothing, looking happy and relaxed so the audience can identify to the artist as he is seen to be ‘chilling out ’ on the double spread.
Post- feminist representations of my additional artist s ‘A’fsana’ and ‘Virtuous’ show independent, snazzy, ‘sophisticated, independent and successful female artists.
However my artists do subvert stereotypes as Asians are usually Muslim or Hindu followers whereas my artist is a Christian of whom has divorced and remarried in a small amount of time. He has a very lackadaisical attitude to life and has a broad sense of humour.
Different cultures nowadays are adopting new ways of living , exploring instead of following tradition, which I think my target audience can identify with.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Independent music stores

Online music stores e.g. soul jazz records
IPC as they also publish leading magazines e.g. Hello, Now, Classic Rock , Fiend,Guitar and NME.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
Ethnic minorities
25-55 year old
proletariats who enjoy jazz, soul and indie music.
Enjoy arts and crafts Scented candles

Peer Assessment :Peer assessment conducted by Adil proved that the mode of address for my magazine was present in the form of “colloquialism had an inviting effect on the reader as it identified with them” and through the use of direct address.
He also stated that many of my additional images were “eye-catching” and demonstrated “conventional style of the jazz genre”.
Audience responses also mentioned my “colour scheme promoted a sense of professionalism within my magazine”.
Other audience responses mentioned that the style of the main article was “conventional yet unconventional” as I use a range of bold and subtle colours and included interesting bold quotes featured within the interview. The unconventional aspects were said to “fit-in with the unique style of my magazine”.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I learnt how to manage my time by prioritising what needs doing to what aspect of the magazine.

Using the technologies Photoshop offered e.g. using the magnetic lasso tool ,I had to make sure I focussed on precisely cutting out the image I desired for a slight slant of the hand could make you have start all over again.

In addition DTP packages such as Photoshop enabled me to produce a full creative control over your chosen images e.g. changing the model’s size , skin tone and airbrushing blemishes by using clone stamp tool. DTP packages are an exceptional tool when creating a magazine as it is quick and has a high level of quality , which is very important for magazine producers.

Using layers in Photoshop allowed me to alter images size and positions on the spread allocating them to specific regions in order to create a perfect lay out for my magazine. These features could not be used in word or publisher.

I learnt you must be precise and thorough when deploying an idea from the sketch onto the computer, be sure to save work frequently as you are working and always have a copy of your work on the network and USB stick to ensure if anything goes missing or malfunctions you have a copy of your work to fall back on.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I learnt how to combine images together and manipulate images on the spread to promote a specific idea or representation linking to the type of genre my magazine is.

I have learnt how to manage my time effectively and efficiently.

Also I learnt how to use Photoshop tools at a high standard such as magic wand tool, magnetic lasso tool, customs shape tool, slice select tool and many other tools which helped me develop and create an appropriate image according to my product.

Compared to my preliminary task, my music magazine is of a better standard, considering I had more time to spend on it, altering the layout and modifying images making it of a much better quality. The contents page featured more categories to appeal to the reader and had appropriate fonts. The preliminary task allowed me to refine my DTP skills in order to produce a polished music magazine.

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